Plastic Particles


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Washio is a proficient visual artyist who has rapidly built upboth an impressive folio and client base. He has done work for Sony, Toshiba EMI & MILK Magazine to name a few. A commom theme in Washio's work is the second face, often inplace of legs. The idea behind this is very personal to Washio. Several years ago he was in a traffic accident and nearly lost the use of his legs. The second face in his work is a reference to this time and the positive thinking that was required during his rehabilitation - in a way it resembles rebirth., (Plastic Particles - adidas toy exhibition 2003)

The Plastic Particles Toy Exhibition kicked off on Saturday 17th July at the Adidas Originals store in Berlin. The works of Pete Fowler, Washio Tomojuki, Coarse Toys and Spanky & Headlock Studio were on display. The bubbly flowed freely as all the guests checked out the artistsic offerings of the contributing artists. The large floorspace suited the exhibition well. Figures were safely sealed within perspex containers, many on plinths around the perimeter of the store. Adding to the exhibition was a large print by Coarse Toys and artwork by Pete Fowler. The huge Tom figures by Washio had some great detailing for such large pieces - the Adidas haircut being an especially nice touch.